BMACLJ’s Editorial Board is comprised of Two Editors-in-Chief and Editors. The Editorial Board is drawn from a diverse pool of professionals, including advocates, marine consultants, acclaimed mediators, arbitration professionals, legal researchers, paralegals, and management personnel. This diversity ensures a comprehensive and well-rounded perspective in the publication process, making BMACLJ a leading player in the industry.
This policy outlines the roles, responsibilities, and ethical standards expected of the editorial board members. The Board may invite editors, assistant editors, student editors time to time if require or deems appropriate.
The editorial board will be composed of seasoned professionals and experts in the fields of Construction Law, Admiralty & Maritime Law, International Trade Law, International Arbitration Law, Banking Law, and Shipping Law but not inclusive. Members will be selected based on their expertise, experience, and commitment to the journal’s objectives.
Editorial board members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may compromise their objectivity in the review process. Conflicts will be managed transparently, and members may recuse themselves from the review of submissions in cases of a conflict.
Board members are expected to uphold the highest ethical standards in their role, including confidentiality, impartiality, and fairness.
Members should report any unethical behavior or concerns related to submissions promptly to the Editors-in-Chief.
Editorial board members will serve renewable terms to ensure a dynamic and diverse composition. Rotation of board members will be considered periodically to infuse fresh perspectives and maintain the vibrancy of the editorial team.
Major decisions, such as changes in journal policies or strategic direction, will be made collectively, with input from all board members. The Editors-in-Chief will facilitate discussions and ensure consensus.
Board members will be encouraged to engage in continuous professional development, staying abreast of the latest developments in their respective fields.
This editorial board policy will be reviewed periodically and amended as necessary to reflect the evolving needs and standards of the journal.
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